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How To Change Outlook View [Step by Step Guide]

How To Change Outlook View: Microsoft Outlook is a powerful email client that offers various ways to view and sort your emails. In Outlook, you can change the default view of your inbox to a new, custom view to better fit your needs.

How To Change Outlook View by Creating a New, Custom View

How To Change Outlook View by Creating a New, Custom View

To change the view in Microsoft Outlook by creating a new, custom view, follow these steps:

  1. Open Microsoft Outlook and select the folder you want to customize.
  2. Go to the View tab in the ribbon at the top of the Outlook window.
  3. In the “Current View” group, click on the “Change View” dropdown arrow, and then select “Manage Views.”
  4. In the “Manage All Views” dialog box, click on the “New” button to create a new custom view.
  5. Give your new view a descriptive name in the “Name of new view” field.
  6. In the “Type of view” section, choose the type of view you want to create (e.g., Table, Card, Timeline).
  7. Click the “OK” button to open the “View Settings” dialog box.
  8. Customize various aspects of your new view, such as displayed columns, sorting options, filtering, and grouping.
  9. If desired, apply conditional formatting to specific items by clicking on the “Conditional Formatting” button within the “View Settings” dialog box.
  10. Click the “OK” button to save your custom view.
  11. Back in the “Manage All Views” dialog box, select your newly created custom view and click “Apply View.”
  12. Close the “Manage All Views” dialog box by clicking “OK.”

Now, your selected folder should be displayed using the custom view you created. Remember, custom views are specific to each folder, so you’ll need to create custom views individually for each folder where you want a different display style. Learn more about Outlook:- How To Change Signature In Outlook.

How To Change Outlook View by Advanced View Settings

Changing the Outlook view using Advanced View Settings allows you to customize how your emails are displayed in the inbox and other folders.

How To Change Outlook View by Advanced View Settings

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open Outlook and navigate to the Folder List view.
  2. Select the folder (e.g., Inbox, Sent Items) for which you want to change the view.
  3. Click on the “View” tab in the ribbon at the top of the Outlook window.
  4. In the “Current View” group, click on the “View Settings” button. A new window titled “Advanced View Settings” will appear.
  5. To customize the columns displayed in your folder view, click on the “Columns” button. Select which columns you want to see and arrange them accordingly.
  6. To sort your emails, click on the “Sort” button in the “Advanced View Settings” window. Choose the primary sort column and add additional levels of sorting if needed.
  7. To apply filters to your emails, click on the “Filter” button. Set conditions to display only certain emails that meet the specified criteria.
  8. If you want to group your emails based on specific characteristics, click on the “Group By” button. Select the criteria for grouping.
  9. Review other settings in the “Advanced View Settings” window, such as setting the reading layout and conditional formatting.
  10. Click the “OK” button to apply the changes to the view.
  11. Back in the “View Settings” window, you can see a preview of your modified view. Click “OK” here to confirm and apply the changes to your selected folder.
  12. Your Outlook view will now be updated based on the settings you applied.
  13. Repeat these steps for other folders if you want to have different views for different folders.

Customizing your Outlook view using Advanced View Settings helps you tailor your email organization to suit your preferences and work style.

How To Change Outlook View by the Default Sort Order of the View

In Microsoft Outlook, you can change the default sort order of your email messages in a specific folder to have a different view.

How To Change Outlook View by the Default Sort Order of the View

Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Open Microsoft Outlook.
  2. Go to the folder you want to change the default sort order for.
  3. Click on the “View” tab.
  4. In the “Current View” group, click “View Settings.”
  5. In the “Advanced View Settings” dialog box, click “Sort.”
  6. Choose the field to sort by (e.g., Date, From, Subject).
  7. Select the sort order (Ascending or Descending).
  8. Click “OK” to apply the changes and close the “Sort” dialog.
  9. Click “OK” in the “Advanced View Settings” dialog.
  10. Your emails in the folder should now be sorted accordingly.
  11. To make this sort order the default, click “Change View” in the “Current View” group.
  12. Choose “Save Current View as a New View.”
  13. Name your new view (e.g., “Custom Sort Order”) and click “OK.”

Your custom sort order should now be the default view for that specific folder. If you want to revert to the default Outlook view later, you can do so by clicking on the “View” tab, selecting the view you want from the “Change View” dropdown list in the “Current View” group, and then choosing “Apply Current View to Other Mail Folders.”

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