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How To Change Discord Password With Step By Step Procedure

A voice chat, picture and video sharing, and channel-joining program for gamers called Discord makes it simple to communicate with pals. If you’re new to Discord, you might not know how to change discord password. A simple guide is provided here.

How To Change Discord Password

A cross-platform VoIP and chat tool called Discord lets gamers interact with one another for gaming purposes. For voice and text chat, it’s fantastic software for gamers of all skill levels, from the casual player who just wants to speak with friends during their next game to the fiercely competitive player who has to plan and manage their gaming sessions. Rich media speech and video capabilities, server and client voice chat, and customizable server roles that give you more control over who can access your Discord account are all fantastic features.

How To Change Discord Password On Mobile

Changing your Discord password on a mobile device is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to update your password:

  1. Open Discord App: Launch the Discord app on your mobile device. If you’re not already logged in, enter your current login credentials to access your account.
  2. Access User Settings: Tap on the three horizontal lines located in the top left corner of the screen. This will open the main menu. From the menu, select “Settings,” usually represented by a gear icon.
  3. Navigate to My Account: In the Settings menu, you’ll see a list of options. Tap on “My Account.” Here, you can find various settings related to your account.
  4. Change Password: Under the “My Account” section, you’ll find the option to change your password. Tap on this option. You’ll be prompted to enter your current password and then the new password you wish to set. Make sure your new password is strong and unique for security purposes.

Remember to save the changes, and your Discord password will be successfully updated on your mobile device. Learn How to Change Instagram Password here.

How To Change Discord Password Without Email

If you’ve lost access to the email associated with your Discord account but still need to change your password, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log In to Discord: Open the Discord app or visit the Discord website and log in using your current credentials.
  2. Access User Settings: Click on your profile picture in the bottom-left corner to open the user menu. From here, select “Settings,” usually represented by a gear icon.
  3. Navigate to Privacy & Safety: In the Settings menu, look for the “Privacy & Safety” option. Click on it to access your privacy settings.
  4. Change Password: Scroll down to find the “Change Password” section. You’ll need to enter your current password and then the new password you want to set. Since you don’t have access to your email, Discord might prompt you for additional verification steps to ensure the security of your account.

By following these steps, you can change your Discord password even if you don’t have access to the email linked to your account. Learn How To Change Instagram Password here.

How to Change Email and Password on Discord

Changing both your email and password on Discord involves a couple of steps. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Log In to Discord: Open the Discord app or go to the Discord website and log in with your current credentials.
  2. Access User Settings: Click on the gear icon located next to your username in the bottom-left corner. This will open your User Settings.
  3. Change Email: In the User Settings menu, click on the “My Account” tab. Under the “Email” section, you’ll see your current email address. Click on “Edit” to the right of your email. Follow the prompts to verify your identity and enter the new email address you want to use.
  4. Change Password: After changing your email, go back to the “My Account” tab and find the “Password” section. Click on “Change Password.” Enter your current password and then set a new password. Make sure it’s a strong and unique password.

Completing these steps will successfully update both your email and password on Discord. Learn How to Change Amazon Password here.

How To Change Discord Password With Phone Number

Changing your Discord password using your phone number is a secure way to maintain control over your account. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Log In to Discord: Open the Discord app or visit the website and log in using your current account credentials.
  2. Access User Settings: Click on the three horizontal lines in the top left corner to open the main menu. From there, select “Settings,” usually represented by a gear icon.
  3. Navigate to Privacy & Safety: In the Settings menu, choose “Privacy & Safety.” This is where you can manage various security settings.
  4. Change Password: Scroll down to find the “Change Password” section. Enter your current password and then proceed to enter your phone number. Discord will send you a verification code via SMS. Enter the code in the provided field. Finally, set your new password and save your changes.

By following these steps, you can change your Discord password using your phone number, enhancing the security of your account.

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